Monday, November 16, 2009

Another apology. This time for kids shipped from Britain to colonies

Demonize, Genocide - and apologize

Lovely cartoon.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd issued a ... apology Monday to ... British children shipped to Australia with the promise of a better life, only to suffer abuse and neglect thousands of miles from home.

At a ceremony ... attended by tearful former child migrants, Rudd apologized for his country's role in the migration and extended condolences to the 7,000 survivors of the program who still live in Australia.

"We are sorry," Rudd said. "Sorry that as children you were taken from your families and placed in institutions where so often you were abused. Sorry for the physical suffering, the emotional starvation and the cold absence of love, of tenderness, of care. Sorry for the tragedy - the absolute tragedy - of childhoods lost." via (Apology for kids shipped from Britain to colonies).

The Daily Express adds: -

there is growing anger that the British government should have been the first to apologise ... who sent the children there in the first place ... aimed at relieving the burden on Britain’s children’s homes and filling Australia with “good white stock” ... the children were sent to Australia without the knowledge or consent of their parents and were told – falsely – that their mothers and fathers were dead ... many of them were institutionalised in religious or charitable organisations where they were subjected to neglect and abuse ... Under pressure from those whose lives were ruined by child migration, Gordon Brown ... said, “the time is now right” for the UK to apologise for the actions of previous governments. “It is important that we listen to the voices of the survivors and victims of these misguided policies.” (ellipsis mine).

This made me think …

About, the ritual of regret and apology, about their role in the genocidal past. Since, the “Jewish Problem” was solved by Hitler (there are hardly 1 million Jews left in Europe and 5 million in USA), the West and USA has no problems, anymore with the Jews. Australia, Canada and France have tendered their ritualistic apologies – and start demonizing someone else.

Australia struggled for more than 5 years – before they agreed to apologize. I presume, US (to the Native Americans and the Blacks), Belgium (to Congo), Britain (to Kenya), France (to Vietnam), Spain (to the Native Americans), et al will all apologize. A book, The New Rulers of the World, examines the denial of the genocide.

Is this an aberration? Is this nightmare over?

Franz J. A. Romer, Duesseldorf, a 2ndlook blog reader informs us,
In Germany it is all about deduction (removal) of children from their family due to a local town system which is called Jugendamt (in other countries called youth welfare systeme). The Jugendamt is a local authority with no given functional control structure but a depending lawfull structure.It is absolutely easy for the Jugendamt to deduct the cildren into foster families or homes.

Hitler was never alone

Hitler’s biggest mistake – he lost the war.

The genocide with which his regime was charged with was also carried out against the Native Americans in the USA, the Australian aborigines, in Congo by the Belgians.

Post colonial Governments in Kenya and India have ignored the cover-up of the millions killed by the colonial rulers – in the Mau Mau operations in Kenya or the 1857 War in India.

The 'real' Roma Gypsy story

In Europe, kidnapping children was considered legal for most of 1500AD-1750AD. On one condition – you had to kidnap Roma Gypsy children! More than 25,000 children kidnapped. No problem. Everybody sleeps peacefully at night. Switzerland was doing this till 1973!

The Romani Gypsies, Sinti have been a favored European target for the last 500 years – by the Vatican, by the Protestant Church, by monarchies and by Republican Governments. In war and and in peace.

Their crime. They civilized (?) Europe. No less.

Looking at the Anglo Saxon Bloc

Linked to this is the fact at the end of WW2, the Anglo Saxon Bloc controlled 90% of gold production and reserves. The largest private gold reserve in the world, India was still a British colony. The Anglo Saxon bloc has 3 of the 4 largest countries of the world; wiped out native populations in these 3 countries, acquired these countries by force, sequestered the world’s natural resources and are united by their will to dominate and exploit the rest of humanity.

They control more than 67% of world gold production and more than 80%, if you include Anglo-Saxon countries, colonies and companies (like Anglo Gold, Barrick, BHP, Rio Tinto, etc).

The interesting question is why do Australia and Canada cling to British skirts?

Modern day demonization

The Western campaign aimed at the demonisation of Islam has replaced the Jewish demonisation (Shakespeare joined in with his anti-Semitic Merchant Of Venice). Without taking responsibility for the destabilisation of the Islamic World by the liquidation of the Ottoman Empire after WW1 – perpetrated by Anglo Saxon countries and the French.

The insistence and resistance

Coming back to the apologies? I have always wondered, why this Western resistance to apologies? I also wonder what difference does an apology make to the victims, as though, the apology is worth anything.

Would an apology from Hitler be worth anything?

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