Sunday, September 12, 2010

Better governance they told us ...

The Islamic Bloc has allowed itself to be reduced to nothing by
the West in the last 100 years. ( ©Copyright 2008 Jimmy Margulies -
All Rights Reserved. cartoon couresy -
Click for larger image.
Just as Europe turns upon the dismemberment of Turkey, so the Eastern question in Asia turns upon the continued solidarity of Hindustan” By George Nathaniel Curzon Curzon (Marquis of) in Problems of the Far East: Japan–Korea–China; published in 1894.

20 years before World War-I

Some 70 years ago, we were told that Jinnah's objective also, was India's freedom. Much like other Indian freedom fighters.
The template of using Jinnah to split India was implemented by Britain some 30 years earlier, after WWI to break up the Ottoman Empire. The dismemberment of Turkey studied in Britain for at least a 20 years before WWI.
To understand this template, let us go back to post-WWI Middle East. Many Middle-East despots, then potentates, were put in positions of power after WWI by Western powers. These despots, who have run the Middle-East into the ground, earlier made tall claims about 'progress'. All the while, condemning the 'regressive' Ottomans.
The regressive Islam that we see today is a joint-creation of the Christian-West and these Islamic-despots. Now, we all know what happened after these Islamic 'freedom-fighters' of the Middle East were installed by their Western masters.
Better governance, they told us then.

The Cats who went to the monkey for justice. A Jataka tale.
Old Indian hesitation to involve third party justice.

What will it be this time ...

So, there is this little matter of a rather, big credibility-yawn. Between reality and the azaadi-struggle claims of these 'freedom-fighters' in Kashmir also. Let these 'freedom-fighters' walk-the-plank-of-freedom.
Let them show their:-
  • Inclusion (have they taken up a single Kashmiri Pandit issue)
  • Ability to listen and govern (have they won any election)
These conflict-zones are Western creations - and so are these jihadis, terrorists.
As are these Islamic despots.

Honest arbiters, I don't believe in

And, by the way, before I go forward, who offers to arbiter these conflicts? To whom do these despots and these 'freedom fighters' run to, to become honest 'brokers'? Who they approach, address and talk to, gives the game away.
These jihadis using Pakistan as a go-between, approach the West to succeed in their power grab. Jinnah, let us remember, could not get support from Indians - Muslims or otherwise.
Just as British negotiations with Congress gave Congress legitimacy, so also with Jinnah. Are we forgetting that, the JKLF leaders in the 1970's and 80s were all holed up in London, for decades. Now, we know London is not cheap. How, who, where, with what motive, funded them for decades in London? Mirpuri-PoK freedom-loving, care-free people of Kashmir, they tell. Go tell that to the birds. JKLF was run out of London.
Much like how elections in Maldives was run out of Britain and London.

It is not Kismat, Najib-bhai! It is design. The Islamic Bloc has
allowed itself to become irrelevant in this world. (By Peray,
Thailand - 10/12/2005 12.00:00 AM; cartoon courtesy
- Click for larger image.

Najib Mubarki tries inducing guilt

Najib Mubarki on Kashmir is an interesting idea! Though finally it is a wet fuse.
the larger meaning of the slogan of “Azadi“ might be some form of secular Kashmiri nationalism, the slogan of “Allah o Akbar” (God is Great) also attends it. It is, in essence, while a slogan of defiance, also a culturally determined one.
Of course there are other slogans too. Or have been. Which would suggest a decidedly Islamist vision of what Kashmiri society should look like. But beyond even the empirically evident gap between slogans and immediately achievable political reality, quite often such slogans were echoed without any real political subscription.
But beyond the level of sloganeering in the streets, there is the fact of centuries of Kashmiri cultural history. One that is unique in the subcontinent. A history and lived life that tempers and inflects even those who would ordinarily be labelled hardliners.

Creating an Islamic State - The pattern

Have we not heard this logic before, Najib-bhai? This was peddled to us before. And some 160 million Muslims have been cast into the dysfunctional 'nation' called Pakistan. Remember Jinnah and his 'secularist' credentials? These potentates-to-despots, like Jinnah, are Western creations and installations.
What more, I am sure Najib-bhai knows.
Strangely, in Najib-bhai's narrative, there are no suggestions for Muslims leadership - ever, anywhere. In this and his other posts. The burden of action, implementation is always others. Muslim leadership is always the innocent bystanders in Najib-bhai's narrative.
Reading Najib Mubarki, I am reminded of a childhood story of such 'honest' arbiters. Maybe, Najibbhai too should also read such 'Hindu' stories.
Before you come to us, with your talks.

Talk is cheap. Remember Blood Never sleeps! (Cartoon
by By Peray, Thailand - 10/30/2005 12.00:00 AM, courtesy
- Click for larger image.

Saladin said ...

Talk, as you know Najib-bhai, is cheap. Expensive, when you are paying for cheap talk, with spilled blood.
And that is what, we Indians in Kashmir are doing. It was a wise Islamic ruler who cautioned, "Blood never sleeps!"
We are paying with spilled blood, for cheap jihadi talk.
Take your talk, someplace else.
Related posts by 2ndlook

The idea of Pakistan!

Punjab govt goes after Hindu mythology cartoons

Pakistan and Kashmir – Regaining the narrative!

Kashmir – Foggy Indian Notions

We are the problem – and the West is trying is to help us!

The ‘idea’ of Pakistan-II

Sadanand Dhume botches up history

Robert D. Kaplan gives gyaan on India in

Pakistan – a nation in fidayeen mode?

What should India’s counter terrorism plan look like …

Mumbai Massacre – The real blame and real culprits

India’s Pakistan Fixation

Terrorists And Counterfeit Indian Currency

For More Than 60 Years …

Indo Pak Relations – What Will It Take

India Lowers Guard

New Empire Builders – Neo-Cons Sneaking In

The Carving Of The Middle East

British Empire & The Anglo Saxon Bloc

Behind The Web Of Terror
“Just as Europe turns upon the dismemberment of Turkey, so the Eastern question in Asia turns upon the continued solidarity of Hindustan” By George Nathaniel Curzon Curzon (Marquis of) in Problems of the Far East: Japan–Korea–China; published in 1894.

Ek tha gul ... Ek thi bul-bul ... (From Jab jab phool khile)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Banana Republics – A 2ndlook

George Soros, the billionaire investor and philanthropist, plans to announce on Tuesday that he is giving $100 million to Human Rights Watch to expand the organization’s work globally.
It is the largest gift he has made, the largest gift by far that Human Rights Watch has ever received, and only the second gift of $100 million or more made by an individual this year …


George Soros' donation to Human Rights Watch NGO is perplexing. Who will watch over whom? What are these human rights? Who are these people, who will be funded by George Soros? Who will sit on judgment on whom? Anyway, why is George Soros so bothered!
Free speech. To carry placards, shout slogans, mutter in your drawing room!
I had no answers.
I decided to take the help of St.PT Barnum, our Resident Propaganda Slayer, who can easily unravel these kind of 'events'.
St.PT Barnum thinks that this donation is fuelled by Soros' concern for democracy and 'human rights' in Third World Banana Republics.
So, that is what we need to understand!

St.PT Barnum answers

Q: - What is the difference between 'banana' republics and Anglo-Saxon Democracies?
St.PT Barnum ans. - None. People disappear. Anyway. They are both very good at making people disappear. US has made the maximum number of people disappear in the last 50 years.
Q: - How are Anglo-Saxon Democracies better than 'banana' republics?
St.PT Barnum ans. - They, Anglo-Saxon Democracies (ASD), are much better organized. ASDs will give you a 500 page 'document' to 'prove' that you have to disappear. Usually, it is all in public interest, you see.
In 'banana' republics you never 'know' why you have to disappear. Plus, all disappearances in ''banana' republics benefit only the Ruling Class. Disappearances in 'banana' republics are never in public interest. Unlike Anglo-Saxon Democracies.
Anglo-Saxon Democracies Bonus - Sometimes, the 'document' can be bigger than 500-page - and may even be entertaining.

China has one party rule, USA has two-party rule!
Little to choose! Click for larger image.
Q: - Is it true that Anglo-Saxon Democracies are more efficient than 'banana' republics?
St.PT Barnum ans. - Of course, it is true. Do you know of any 'banana' republic that has such a large bureaucracy with: -

  1. Legislatures - that create reasons why you must disappear. Reasons, also known as laws, statutes, ordinance, charters, licenses et al.
  2. Courts - that will find the exact reason(s), that will fit your 'case', to make you disappear. Respect for the individual and all that, you see.
  3. Police - who 'objectively' select people, choose 'suspects' for disappearances.
  4. Lawyers - who will argue about reasons why you must (not) disappear.
  5. Prisons - a convenient place where 'you' can disappear and a new sub-human is born.
Q: - Is it true that there is much more freedom in Anglo-Saxon Democracies than in 'banana' republics?
St.PT Barnum ans. - Trick question. Both true and false.
True. There is complete freedom in Anglo-Saxon Democracies to make the system more 'efficient'.

Population planning annihilated entire populations in Australia,
North America, and partly in Africa! Click for larger image
Increase concentration of wealth, ensure that people are kept busy in 'pursuit of happiness' and ensure that enough people disappear in full public view.
These 'open' disappearances in full 'public' view creates greater fear than 'secret' disappearances that happen in 'banana' republics.
False also. Anglo-Saxon Democracies have installed
  1. Millions of cameras
  2. Thousands of phone and internet tapping servers
  3. Hundreds of satellites in space to keep a watch, to 'observe' all those who have as yet not disappeared.
  4. Many companies which track your every move. Where, when, what, which, how, who you
  • Logged into your computer
  • Sold, bought anything
  • Read, wrote, said anything to anybody
Don't for a moment think that the Anglo-Saxon Democracies will 'ever' give you respite.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Wall Street Journal invokes Ayn Rand to ‘Whitewash’ History

The art for a 1999 postage stamp. Image
courtesy - Getty Images via
Ultimately, "Atlas Shrugged" is a celebration of the entrepreneur, the risk taker and the cultivator of wealth through human intellect. Critics dismissed the novel as simple-minded, and even some of Rand's political admirers complained that she lacked compassion. Yet one pertinent warning resounds throughout the book: When profits and wealth and creativity are denigrated in society, they start to disappear -- leaving everyone the poorer. (via 'Atlas Shrugged': From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years -

Adversity does strange things

The second half of 20th century saw the end to dominant inputs for Western 'success'.The Western world, faced a serious economic crises with the decline in:
  1. Slavery in the Western world, due to many slave revolts, social disaffection due to unemployment
  2. Colonial exploitation was an 'adequate' replacement for slavery
  3. Genocide in the Americas, and Australia - and near annihilation in Africa.
  4. The wages of crime. Opium (forced production in India, forced trade with China), piracy, slave trading.
Bretton Woods agreement helped the Western world to partly re-engineer their economies. The re-working of the global political system became essential, after non-colonial nations with lower access to slavery, led by Germany, challenged the dominant colonial-slavery economies of Europe (Britain, and France). These conflicts quickly spread and became WWI and WWII.

Hiding behind Ayn Rand's skirts seems like such a bad idea!
By the end of WWII, the world was left standing with US as the major economic force in the world. Faced with this existential crises, the last thing that the West needed was a dose of truth.

Pulp fiction of capitalism

This ‘White-Wash’ job was taken up by professional Western propagandists. One such was a popular writer, waxing nostalgic for this ‘golden age’ – Ayn Rand.
Her books have become popular in the last 50 years. In India too, her popularity has created a demand for pirated prints of her books that are sold from pavements. Her glossing over slavery, her token objections to segregation were reminiscent of an age gone by. The economic contribution of slavery to the wealth of the West, the creation of patronage structures for ‘innovation and invention’ and the loot from the colonies were all absent from Ayn Rand’s hagiography on capitalism.
There was no mention whatsoever of the numerous genocides by the West in various continents of the world. He disregard for family structures was her contribution to ‘modernizing’ capitalism.

    Ayn Rand - The 'guiding light' at Cato Institute?
    Stephen Moore's vacuous memoirs of his time with the Cato Institute, 'virginity' and 'initiation' seems like a rather clueless intellectual response by the West.
    To clutch Ayn Rand's skirts, is pretty lame. Facing up to the biggest challenge the Western world has seen - I would say, in the last 500 years.

    None of this new

    Every word of what I have written is known. So it should not be a surprise to any one. But to see the Wall Street Journal, a 'respected' pillar of the Western economy, reduced to publishing such writing by Shri Stephen Moore, a senior writer, seems like a rather big come down.
    For the West!

    Thursday, September 2, 2010

    Population Planning - The Ghost Re-Appears

    Old lies have become the New Truth! Population Control, Climate Change - Frauds!

    Great successes in Population Planning

    The Romani Gypsies, Sinti have been a favored European target for Population Planning in the last 500 years . By the Vatican, by the Protestant Church, by monarchies and by Republican Governments. In war and and in peace. Pakistan is another great success in Population Planning for Hindus. There are hardly any Hindus left in Pakistan.
    Vatican does not want to be left behind in Population Planning. There are few Protestants in Catholic France, Spain, etc. America's undertook a mission to implement Population Planning for 'Red' Indians. Hardly any 'Red' Indians are left. Australia is is the envy of the world in Population Planning for aborigines. There are so few aborigines left. Hitler was a great believer in Population Planning. He said, "Let us start with Jews first!" Hitler, Australia, America, Vatican, Pakistan-Population Planning Champions.
    Now India also wants to join this Elite Champions Club of Population Planning. In India it is called Family Planning for the Poor.

    Ideological frauds of 20th century

    Before the Climate Change Scam, the West had pressured the world to accept the Population Control Fraud. Under various names and disguises, this theory has been time and again been reborn. After Sanjay Gandhi and the Emergency, it had become unfashionable to talk of Family Planning anymore in India.
    In the last few months, BJP has taken off from where the Congress abandoned this rather flagrant fraud. A few days ago we had Shivraj Chauhan extolling Sanjay Gandhi and Family Planning.
    Speaking at a function, Chouhan said, "After the Emergency the leaders abandoned population control completely. One remembers Sanjay Gandhi in these times. The programme that he started is praise-worthy".
    He also admitted that malnutrition was a big problem in Madhya Pradesh.
    It appears that efforts made to control malnutrition in the past did not meet desired success, he said.Before malnutrition is contained steps should be taken to stabilize family planning methods in the state, he added. (via MP CM lauds Sanjay Gandhi's sterilisation drive).
    Expressing concern over rising population, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that the state would observe year 2010-11 as a 'family planning year'.
    "Population stabilisation is necessary for ensuring development and therefore the issue will be included in the 'Madhya Pradesh Banao' campaign, Chouhan said, while awarding 22 couples under Prerna Yojana at his residence yesterday.
    Yet another BJP Chief Minister, in Karnataka, B S Yeddyurappa, fresh from his China visit threatened the people of Karnataka. From the floor of the Karnataka Legislature, Yeddyurappa thundered, "limit two children per couple and those who fail to adhere to this norm lose all government benefits".
    Venkaih Naidu, the past-BJP President weighed into the debate supporting Yeddyurappa and Shivraj Chauhan. Naidu said, “Population control is not a religious issue. It’s a social issue for the entire country”.
    Famous last words?
    I hope so!

    Human beings are such a pain! We should do something about people!

    Wednesday, September 1, 2010

    New fools for old wine in old bottles

    There is a sucker born ever minute - PT Barnum (read more on this quote.)

    PT Barnum's maxim

    A significant number of Indians are fooled by the 'achievement the West - especially those who are 'educated' in English. A few days ago, Mint, a business newspaper carried a post by Manas Chakravarty, who was using an old report by Angus Maddison to support absurd conclusions.

    Transatlantic Slave Trade (Table Courtesy -
    Writes Manas Chakravarty,

    By 1600, the centre of Europe had shifted northwards and the golden age of Holland had begun. Dutch per capita income was $1,381 in 1600, while Britain in Shakespeare’s time had a per capita income of $974.Recall that 1600 was the year the East India Company was founded. In contrast, India’s per capita income continued to be $550, while China’s was $600. Note that even Ireland, one of the poorest of Western Europe’s countries, had a per capita income of $615, higher than India’s and China’s. In short, the per capita GDP numbers mirror the changes in power, prosperity and cultural and scientific achievement.It wasn’t till 1981 that India had a per capita income of $977, beating that of Britain in 1600. And it wasn’t until 1993 that India’s per capita income of $1,399 surpassed what the Dutch had achieved in 1600. Maddison’s calculations show that in 2008, India’s per capita GDP in 1990 dollars, PPP terms was $2,975, slightly more than one-third of the world average of $7,614. We have a long way to go. (via World history by per capita GDP - Columns -

    Basically, Indians are such rotters! That is what Shri Manasbhai Chakravarty is saying, in simple English.

    In the light of day

    Any reading of history will show how hollow and risible Manasbhai's conclusions are.

    One problem with economics is the complete lack of ethics. Economists (like Manasji Chakravarty) cannot be bothered with 'facts'. For them numbers must do the talking and walking. Some 'good' economists like Angus Maddisson can even put up a good strip-tease show with numbers. Admirers can view these 'assets' admiringly.

    Like Manasji Chakravarty seems to be enjoying Angus Maddison's strip-tease show.

    Poster announcing sale of slaves in the USA.

    General Julius and the Gauls

    Take Italian GDP, of which Bhai Manas has a high opinion. Sum and substance of the Italian Job.? Julius Caesar, (he would be an Italian now), loots the Gauls. What happens? Economics (and Shri Manasji Chakravarty) will tell us that Italian GDP goes up. What great history and important economic conclusions can we draw from this loot?

    Nothing, except that Romans were good at looting others. Let us forget, for now, that after Roman loot, French GDP goes down.

    Cynical economists like Angus Maddisson  could point out that Julius Caesar also massacred hundreds of thousands of Gauls. Loss of lives and wealth will have no effect on GDP as both cancel each other out. Since fewer Gauls now have lesser wealth, per-capita GDP will remain static.

    Right, Manasji?

    The other thing that the Italians (called Romans then) did well, was kill slaves. After using them. Rome, the city alone, had a million slaves. Crassus, (full name Marcus Licinius Crassus) a Roman general, was very good at killing slaves. Crassus was himself, finally, killed at Indian borders - when he made the mistake of thinking that Indians would be easy targets for loot and enslavement.

    Crassus, Julius Caesar's patron-in-chief,  lined Rome's highway, Via Appia with the bodies of 6,000 slaves. A lesson for revolting slaves. The French, Spanish and the Brits also learned their Roman lessons well, history tells us.

    Too well, I say!

    Learn your lessons

    Soon, it was the turn of the French. The Spanish and the British also. To start the killing. Increase productivity in Manasbhai's words. And time for Native Americans and Australian aborigines to die.

    The West (the French, Spanish and the British were very good at this) 'imported' at least 10 million, even upto 20 million slaves, from Africa into West-controlled territories. Economic output of the West goes up! (What else did you expect.).

    The output of these slaves is included in Western GDP calculations. But slaves are excluded from census calculation! The lives of African slaves and the deaths of Native Americans are excluded from this economics. But Western GDP goes up. That is what the 'numbers' tell. And good job says, Shri Manasji Chakravarty.

    What can I say! Apart from pointing out that Manasji Chakravarty is wasting a lot of wood-pulp.

    Most probably from modern Norway.

    You can always get slaves! Why bother about people?

    Optical illusion in economics

    Another 'case' study in economics.

    Modern Norway does two things very well. One - they exploit nature very well. Dig up the earth to extract aluminum, cut down forests, and suck oil from the North Sea. Two - all  Norwegians over-pay each other.

    Over-paid taxi-drivers pay huge amounts for a haircut. Over-paid waiters fork out fancy amounts for a car-wash. And so on. Compared to, say Indians, Norwegians are paid some 10-20 times more.

    A waiter in Mumbai earns between 125-200 dollars. A Norwegian waiter earns closer to US$1500-2000 per month. Both do the same job and the net economic output should not change. But it does. What Norway does is overstate Norwegian economic output - by over-paying everybody. Democracy, you see!

    This economic 'trick' creates a brilliant optical illusion. Of higher wages, profits, turnover, prices - and GDP. Now replace Norway, with any Western economy.

    Same story and the plot does not change.

    Old wine, old bottle .. new fools

    This great science of economics has another trick up its sleeve. Norway's manufacturing out-put is a gargantuan, awesome, jaw-dropping 1 percent of Norway’s annual GDP.

    So, Shri Manasji Chakravarty, before you massage numbers and get an 'erection' of fancy conclusions, like your 'guru' Angus Maddisson does, look behind those numbers.

    Take a 2ndlook.

    Reinvented narrative

    After WWII (1939-1945), using favorable US-dollar  exchange rates, Europe climbed out of rubble and destruction. Recovering from 50 years of bloodshed, faced with the rise of USA and a certain liquidation of their colonial empires, Europe needed to reinvent their history.

    One task for this new narrative was to explain the rise of the West. A plausible econo-metric modelling effort from the 1970's was led by a British economist, Angus Maddison. This model explained away Europe's economic growth to increased 'productivity.'

    Eyes closed, mouths agape

    This study gained some following in India also. India, this analysis estimated, for the last 1000 years, accounted for 50% of the world economy and a world trade share of 25% for much of the 500 years during 1400-1900. The real problem with this study was the trojans that came with this model.

    40 years after this report first came out, Indians still cannot use this report critically.

    Monday, August 30, 2010

    Can Rahul Gandhi deliver for the Congress?

    Rahul Gandhi's image management. Cartoon by Ajit Ninan;
    Courtesy - Click for larger image.
    For a few years now, Rahul Gandhi's political persona is being crafted in New Delhi. There is clear and conscious design behind this. The trips to UP, a politically important state, the selective engagement with the Government, the complete lack of involvement with the Government are new ideas in political nurturing.
    This लोक सेवा 'lok seva' and 'power I dont want' stance is being projected extensively. MJ Akbar captures this surreal political atmosphere in his recent post

    Rahul Gandhi in the Hindi heart-belt. Cartoon by Kirtish
    Bhatt; cartoon courtesy
    It is axiomatic that a largely impoverished nation needs a political party that the poor can identify with. The Congress has set out to be the party of the poor in daytime, and of the rich at night. Its sunlight politics will fetch votes, its twilight policies will enable it to govern. This is an extremely clever act whose opening scenes are being played out for a new generation that is vague about Indira Gandhi and amnesiac about Nehru. The hero of this drama must have the charisma to dazzle the poor and the flexibility to keep the rich onside. That is the challenge before Rahul Gandhi. His avowed role is to be the guardian of the poor in Delhi, which means that the poor need protection from Delhi. He is at home with the elite in the in the evening and is now making the effort to capture the sunshine hours. (via Crown prince Rahul cannily turns left : India : M J Akbar : TOI Blogs).

    Rahul Gandhi's image management. Cartoon by
    Ajit Ninan; Courtesy -
    Click for larger image.

    The political apprenticeship of Rajiv Gandhi needed Indira's Gandhi's assassination to win an election. After that one singular victory, Rajiv was electorally ineffective and politically insignificant. Before Rajiv, his younger brother Sanjay Gandhi could not take on the Nehru mantle as his mother had done. Priyanka Vadra's attempts at politics did not get the electoral traction that the Congress needed to win an election. 
    The single biggest reason forRahul Gandhi's success may well be the BJP. Headless and clueless, BJP out of power, is a shell of BJP before being in power. 
    Losing power can do some things.