Sunday, December 7, 2008

More sex please, for Japan's economy

South Korea’s birth rate (1.2 children per couple) is the second lowest in the world after Hong Kong, according to a recent United Nations report. Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan all have lower birth rates than North Korea.

Such demographic trends are a widening crack in Asia’s potential. Nowhere is this issue more acute than in Japan. And if Rogers made Koreans blush, he annoyed some Japanese in 2006 when he said: “If the current birth rate, which is the lowest in the major developed countries, continues, there will be no Japanese. Who will pay the enormous debt?” (via More sex please, for Japan's economy).

Non-English speaking Indians were the only people in the world who did not follow this advice were the - who see isavaasya midam sarvam इसवास्य मिदं सर्वं (God resides in all) and believe vasudevaih kutumbakam वासु देवाय: कुटुम बकम (That we are all His family).

India's official population control efforts have been, thankfully, a total failure. China has rammed down these Western prescriptions of population control down its hapless population.

The tragedy - population control ideology still generates some respect, which it does not deserve.

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