Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bank Funding of Christianity in USA -

Some lenders believe more churches than ever have fallen behind on loans or defaulted this year. Some churches, and at least one company that specialized in church lending, have filed for bankruptcy. Church giving is down as much as 15% in some places, pastors and lenders report.

The financial problems are crimping a church building boom that began in the 1990s, when megachurches multiplied, turning many houses of worship into suburban social centers complete with bookstores, gyms and coffee bars. Lenders say mortgage applications are down, while some commercial lenders no longer see churches as a safe investment. (via In Hard Times, Houses of God Turn to Chapter 11 in Book of Bankruptcy -

This is something that is beyond comprehension (at least mine). The US Govt., the Anglo Saxon bloc, specifically claims, (and the West in general) that it does not 'support' any religion.

By routing money through the Federal Reserve, (through excessive printing by 'Helicopter Ben') to the banks, does maintain the argument of separation between the State and the Church. But then, why cavil when the Saudi Government supports Wahabbist Islam?

Though one thing is clear - I cannot imagine going to an Indian bank for a loan to build a Hindu temple. I can hear hoots of raucous laughter - and screams of merriment. More ominously, I can hear bank managers making phone calls to the nearest mental hospital.

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